Ýrúrarí – Sustainable Art

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The Icelandic textile artist Ýr Jóhannsdóttir (better known as Ýrúrarí), gives a second chance and life to “forgotten sweaters” in the most creative way.

She creates colourful wearable art, soft sculptures with a story to tell. Her research is also a statement against consumption and the will to educate through art in reusing and recycling old stuff.

This is how she describes her creative research:

Her work is mostly knitted, where fragments of humor, body movements and the everyday meets in wool based, often wearable, objects. For the past years the importance of sustainability has had an impact to Ýrúrarí’s work.

In her latest projects “Sweater sauce”, “I would not do something like that” and Sleik-zine Ýrúrarí raises questions on our absurd consumption habits of textiles and tries out new ways of making unwanted clothes last longer as a one of a kind art- and design pieces.

Monthly Collage Kit Subscription Survey

Hi everyone,

I am planning to create a series of collage kits to send over every month with different contents. I will make my selection of vintage paper cuts from magazines and books, while I will also add vintage postcards, photos and other “on topic” vintage finds.

I was wondering if any of you would be interested, and in case which topics would you like to receive. I can also offer you the possibility to pick the kits you want if you are not willing to get a subscription, so anyone can get something. 

I will more likely have preorders set for the first kits, so I can organise the materials and offer you the best I can find. Please click on this. link and check your favourite ones – thanks for your support on this! 

Inspired – Karin van der Linden

Enjoy the beautiful artworks by the textile artist Karin van der Linden. Her pieces are a clever combined mix of embroidery, sculpture, installation and mixed media collage. The aesthetic is impeccable and incredibly poetic.

I didn’t find so much insights about her art research, but these are some words from one of her exhibition called Remember Me:

The exhibition, and the piece of work highlighted in it, “Remember Me” is based on memories of my mother, my grandmother and my own past. The mostly orphaned materials that I have used give an extra explanation.

My mother was born in a monastery in Krefeld where my grandfather and grandmother at the time, forced by circumstances, lived. She lived there with her brother for the first 12 years of her life. A period that determined the rest of her life.

The front of the piece shows embroidery, supplemented with photos and objects from that time. In my childhood, during the holidays, I regularly visited monasteries related to my mother’s past. Photos of this are shown on the back of the workpiece. In addition to the memories, the work also portrays a dark, laden atmosphere.

Abstract Pattern Design Class

Another one is out!

After the release of the recorded class From Fashion Ad To Protest, I thought to enrich the options with a new one – Abstract Pattern Design.

As the previous one, you can see the presentation preview on the video above and if you like it, you can download the complete version clicking here (you will receive a link by email after you make your order).


Inspired – K Young

I truly enjoy the surrealist hand cut paper collages by the London based artist K Young. These interventions are incredibly detailed and well crafted, and they recall me the noir cinema in some way.

K Young says: “reimagining existing objects and turning them into something new has been a preoccupation of mine for as long as I can remember, and it is this, together with a long-held passion for photography, which has led me to my working process today. I make hand-cut paper collages from found photographic material. Using editing, reframing, splicing, layering and juxtaposition, I reassemble images until a different narrative emerges. I then make these collages into photographs. By returning the image to some semblance of its original state, I am acknowledging its legacy. To me, the circle is complete”.

You can also check the official website clicking here.

Caroline Liu Art

I am blown away the by colourful art world the the American artist Caroline Liu. She is a multi talented artist, her works includes paintings, soft sculptures, murals and installations.

The best part is that each piece can be seen together and still have sense, I would love to see live an immersive exhibition with all her stuff, it looks like a dream!

You can also find her official website here.

From Fashion Ad To Protest Class

Big news!

My art class From Fashion Ad To Protest is now available to download. I realised that many people couldn’t attend the live sessions, so I am creating the recorded version of some of them for everyone to enjoy.

See above the class presentation, and click here to download the complete version (you will get a link by email once you made your order).

I hope you enjoy 🙂

Ziqian Liu – Surreal Self Portraits


Elegant, minimalist, surreal – these are the beautiful images by the Chinese independent photographer Ziqian Liu.

All the pics are still life self portraits, where you can see an intricate and balanced interaction between her body and objects of all sorts.

This is how describes her art research: All of her work is a self-portrait. In her work, she combines her body, plants, and mirror images, constantly exploring the balanced state of peaceful coexistence between humans and nature. In terms of visual presentation, she is keen to create quiet images with a sense of rigor and order.

You can also find her on Instagram.